Emily Parker wasn’t the one to back down from a challenge. She didn’t believe in rumours. Bills were real, and fear wouldn’t pay them.
Food Waste Management is a growing concern in Australia.
Australia has been creating more than 7.6 million tonnes of food waste annually, enough to fill the Melbourne Cricket Grounds nine times.
The September Birthstone - Sapphires are rare gemstones that are revered throughout the world, for their stunning beauty and durability.
2024- A Year of Movies
These movies have given me a deeper insight into the world of Hindi Cinema and I am looking forward to watching many more versatile movies.
2024- The Year That Was
The year 2024 might have come to an end but my experiences will keep adding up as I walk the path of life.
2024- We Survived!
Some remarkable cornerstones and a bit of nugatory made up the memorable stack of yet another year lived well.
Beautiful Boy
The movie is a near masterpiece. It is mostly depressing yet beautiful. It shows how drug addicts do not need a reason to be addicts.
From microscopic fungi to sharks, bioluminescence is a worldwide natural phenomenon that lights up the most unexpected places.
Melting Ice Caps and Glaciers are a Matter of Concern
Increasing sea levels, changes in the weather patterns and a dramatic alteration in animal habitats- the results of melting ice caps.
Vertical Farming- A Future Perspective
Vertical farming isn’t perfect but it holds immense potential to revolutionize farming and can benefit humanity greatly.