Moments, days, years… Time goes rolling by and we roll along the wheels of time.
The Hornbill Festival
The Hornbill Festival is an annual festival celebrated from 1st Dec- 10th Dec in India's Northeastern state of Nagaland.
One year-12 months; sounds less but sometimes it can feel like it takes a myriad of ages. This was 2022 for me!
My First Day in Middle School
While going to school, I started feeling the butterflies in my stomach that I was going to get in trouble or that nobody would be…
Ginny Weasley
Ginny’s character starts out on a quiet note but we see her blooming and unfolding her various colours as she works her way through Hogwarts.
Chess- A Game I Love to Play
Chess is not always about winning and rejoicing, it is about learning from mistakes, as one would do in real life.