Growing up we all have heard stories about how a prince saves the damsel in distress or watched movies where a queen always needs a king to rely on. As we kept watching such stories, somewhere along the path, we made it our reality.
We grew up learning, that, for a girl to be happy she needs a man. Time and again people have told us that behind every man’s success there is a woman. Why weren’t there stories where a man fell in love with the king or where the female knight saved the princess? Why were we taught that when a man is with a woman, it’s right but when with another man, it’s just a phase? Who said that it was wrong for a woman to be with another woman? Why could everyone just not accept that not every queen needs a knight in shining armour nor does every man need a woman for success?
Sometimes all someone needs is love, acceptance, comfort, and a shoulder to cry on. We don’t need to be told about the standards that are set for us by society. Don’t tell us to hide what we are. We don’t need to be told- “It’s just a phase!”
The reality is that we don’t choose whom we love, and whom we fall for. It’s our soul that chooses it for us, it’s beyond our control!
All we can do is accept it and hope that others do too.
Writer : Manya Arora
Grade : 11 (Year 2023)
Place : Chandigarh, India
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