Increasing sea levels, changes in the weather patterns and a dramatic alteration in animal habitats- the results of melting ice…
Overall, fast foods seem to be an amazing treat but before eating it, think about what might happen to your…
It is ludicrous to conclude that extraterrestrial life does not exist in this infinite universe when much of it has…
When emotions, feelings and personal preferences get thrown into a mix, the concept of fairness becomes murky.
In such a vast universe which consists of several hundreds of billions solar systems like ours, we definitely cannot be…
Integrating music into the fabric of education and daily life is essential for the holistic development of children.
Legend of Zelda is not just a game, it is a mental exercise with magnificent animations and plenty of rewards.
From addictive habits to cyberbullying and manipulative scammers, the internet has become a threatening place.
Reality depicts how dreadful reality shows indeed are. Evidence suggests that it can cause irreversible despair and angst.
It is not worth the risk to hurt these animals by testing products on them especially when the results are…
It takes an institution like SCHOOL to instill values and provide a congenial atmosphere to carve out our identities.
Why is violence prevalent on the face of the earth? After all, violence does not beget love, it begets even…