Moving forward is an unbound fact of life. Life doesn’t just stop because we do and that is a rule, a rule with no exceptions. Life moves forward and that brings changes into an individual’s life. These changes can be easy to embrace or difficult to digest, they may even affect you at a fundamental level or just brush you slightly. Inspite of everything that has transpired and will come about, moving forward is an essential part of life. It’ll keep us in the game and make sure that we aren’t swallowed by the enormity of the real world. This idea is the crux of the movie Frozen 2. It embraces new adventures, welcomes changes and teaches us to look beyond the tragedies of the present to move on to a promising future.
After the events of Frozen 1, the change brought about in the kingdom of Arendelle is palpable. The fear that had once gripped the populus about Elsa’s magic is transformed into awe and wonder. The dynamics between the two sisters have also changed and they are no longer kept apart by fear and grief. The close bond shared by Anna and Elsa makes them realize that they can do so much if they keep together. This brings out the first theme of the movie which is family.
This theme gets explored throughout the movie as the sisters take on the daunting journey to the mystical forest. Despite Anna not having any magical powers, she stays close to Elsa and so does Kristoff. This family fearlessly traverses the treacherous barren lands to discover the shipwreck of their parents in Northuldra. Towards the end, we once again find Anna saving the day for Elsa, just the way it happened in Frozen 1. As these sisters stay together, they hold each other precious, while allowing space for individual growth. Thus, family emerges as a strong theme that gets explored in the movie.
Self Discovery
After the disaster in Arendelle, Elsa is made aware of the 4 spirits. The family consisting of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olof and Sven begin their journey to the “Enchanted Forest”. The group is then confronted by a wall of magic fog which seems to keep throwing out people. However, when Elsa steps forward, the fog parts away for her. This a subtle foreshadowing to the viewer that Elsa’s journey into the unknown will open a path to her and lead her to a journey of self-discovery– another prominent theme that gets exemplified. The soft opening of the fog contrasts with the forceful pushing. It concretizes the metaphor that the journey of self-discovery, although within one’s inner realm, is bound to happen when the right time comes and no forceful pushes by external agents can accelerate the process.
Growing into Someone New
Elsa’s time in the forest proves to be invaluable. It gives her a one-way chance to embrace a new identity as the fifth spirit. This presents to the audience yet another theme- one of growing into someone new, by embracing the changes and moving forward. But this journey is not an easy one and tests people crazily.
In the movie we find that Elsa embarks on an uncertain journey to find the mysterious voice which only she had been hearing. The location of the voice is revealed to be Atohallan, a magical, frozen river. Elsa’s journey to Atohallan is a great example of how our journey to discover our role in the world can be riddled with hardships and suffering. It is also during her journey that she meets a foe-turned-friend, the water spirit, with whose help the journey to Atohallan becomes easier. This sends a message to the audience that while trials and tribulations are a part of the journey, having courage and humility to face them is essential. It is also a subtle reminder that the hardships that accompany embracing a new identity do not have to be faced alone.
The arrival at Atohallan is in Elsa’s journey, a moment of revelation. To many viewers, the revelation of the truth is unpredictable and not always on our terms. The river goes on to present multiple truths to Elsa. The realization that the voice she had been following was the voice of her mother, brings her joy and relief. But, on the other hand, it exposes her to the bitter truth that the fog around the forest was a curse for which her people were responsible. This shocks Elsa and cliche to her powers, she freezes.
This revelation of truth is a reminder to the audience that truth can come across as a double-edged sword. Only through the complete acceptance of truth can we see the path forward. For Elsa, in the final moments before she freezes up, she sends a message to Anna about the truth and trusts with all her heart that Anna would do the right thing.
The final theme in the movie is the theme of reconciliation. In a very mature manner, Anna understands and accepts the truth. By breaking the dam she acknowledges the treachery inflicted by the people of Arendelle and breaks through the lies constructed by their grandfather. This causes a massive tidal wave to be sent towards Arendelle. While it threatens to destroy Arendelle, it frees Elsa from the curse. With the help of the spirits Elsa is then able to deflect the giant wave. This heroic act resonates the spirit of reconciliation becoming a gift of forgiveness given by the spirits to the people of Arendelle – the people who had wronged them.
For the wider audience, the movie sends the message that letting go of grudges is an important aspect of life. The once-angry spirits choose to forgive Arendelle instead of letting past judgment wash upon them. It drives home the idea that the spirits did not want those people to pay the price for what had happened long ago. Unfortunately, not many people in the real world choose this path. They let the hurt and anger of the past cloud their judgement, sometimes hurting innocent people in the process.
The movie Frozen 2 is packed with emotional moments and brims with life lessons on how to grow into a new individual who is smarter, wiser and more forgiving. The ideals represented in the movie teach us how to accept change and keep moving forward. Some changes can be easy to accept, while others can leave one feeling hollow and empty. The movie becomes a testament of healing and progress through acceptance and forgiveness. Many individuals may hold themselves or others accountable for their misfortune, when most of the time what happened was beyond anyone’s control. All in all, following the example of Elsa, we learn that the most important thing is moving forward in life, even if it is one step at a time.
Writer : Ethan
Grade : 12 (Year 2025)
Place : Sydney, Australia