In today’s time, there would be around 500 ghost towns all over the world. Out of these approximately 15 are listed in India.
Amsterdam- Bikes, Beams and Bridges
Known for its colourful buildings, biking streets and numerous canals, Amsterdam is a hot spot for tourists.
Ghost Towns
With no people in sight and eerie settlements, a once thriving town which is now completely abandoned, is called a ghost town.
Diving into the World of ALCOHOL
According to chemistry, alcohol is merely a solution, but we need to remember that, it is also the cause of many problems.
Fighter is a breathtaking, spectacular and awe-inspiring movie directed by Siddharth Anand and has taken Bollywood by a storm.
I have Mixed Feelings about Alcohol
A part of religion, medicine, celebration, art, politics and many other spheres of our lifestyle, alcohol cannot be locked out.
Gold Coast, Australia
Gold Coast is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Queensland. It has some of the best beaches and theme parks.
Stranger Things- A review
Stranger Things was released on Netflix on 15 July 2016. Created by the Duffer Brothers, the series has 4 seasons.
Bidding Adieu to my Primary School
From the first day I stepped into the class to the last time I walked out of a primary classroom, it has been one whimsical…
Being LONELY is a Sad Thing
People who are lonely lack support, do not have anyone to share their thoughts with and are easily led to darkness.
Survival Skills should be Mandatory in School Teaching
Knowledge of survival skills will ensure that students are prepared to handle unexpected situations and potentially even save lives.